
Ripping Yarns

Kate Sekules Artist Statement Winterthur Museum
Mending is art at Winterthur Museum
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MendMarch 2024 by Kate Sekules visiblemend on instagram
MendMarch has been saved from dumb Meta greed...
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mendmarch microtags

MendMarch microtagging is a mini Meta revolution that works...

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Kate Sekules mending at Creative Mornings

Creative Mornings: all about mending --and touch--in 20 mins. Click for the vid...

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Two events about mending, one academic, one mendspirational. I hope. London and Brooklyn NY...
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Hellooo! Update 2023

January 13, 2023


Vaguely apologizing for digital failures. Happy '23!

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Gif of Kate Sekules talking about Visible Mending on NHK News Japan December 14th 2022

Spreading Visible Mending to Japan! (From whence, tbh, it came...)

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Update 2022

January 22, 2022

1 comment

Hi menders! I've been shamefully absent from this blog. Here's why...


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This operation was very specific kind of heaven, for clothes rescuers who aren’t afraid of no ghost....

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This so-called madwoman in Victorian England visibly mended her news. We hear you, Lorina...

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