Hellooo! Update 2023

 Dear menders, I have been digitally rubbish, but will improve. Some reasons...

  1. We need mending to spread. Digital versions must help, no?
  2. I do not trust META. Instagram owns all our content, and can pull the plug at any time with no notice: it just happened to my bestie. She lost everything, not a trace left. No reason
  3. Posting there has felt a bit meh anyway: supplying fodder for insatiable algorithms. (I still mean to post more, though.)
  4. I've been building this Mending World Map, with the long promised Directory of Menders, but it has not been going well. I mean, look at it! What do you think? It has issues.
  5. So I thought I'd just revive this old thing. Transfer over some content from the metaverse, maybe add some of the academic stuff I've been doing.
  6. Even though it is spitting in the wind; crickets. Anyone out there...? Must download this list and start emailing.
  7. Happy New Year though!

More coming soon. And #MendMarch will be here before we know it.

Merry mending, and love from Brooklyn!

Kate Sekules
Kate Sekules


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