Things Am Doing (& you're invited)

Two big mending things upcoming. Am excited! Next week (Jan 25–26) I'm speaking in London at the British Museum symposium "Mending and Making"-- a two-day workshop on the role of mending in material histories, led by the Endangered Material Knowledge Programme. My theme? A Wunderkammer of Mends. I sort of made it up on the fly, and now am having to make sense of it. And it does, it makes sense! I fear the tickets are sold out, but maybe they're recording it, not sure. Two of my great heroes, Drs Bridget Harvey and Stephanie Bunn (see below) are giving the keynotes.

Mending and Making British Museum Symposium January 25 and 16 2023

Then, Feb 17th, I am beyond thrilled to be speaking at Creative Mornings, the world’s largest face-to-face creative community about which I will post more soon, but here, for now, is the page with the sign up link. It is (always) free, including delicious baked goods for breakfast, and if you're not in NYC, there's an interactive livestream. Planning a fun talk, with mendspiration agogo. I would LOVE to see you there!

Kate Sekules
Kate Sekules


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